martes, 15 de diciembre de 2020

Merry Christmas “By your side”


It is for sure that Christmas 2020 will be different. In these hard times, the key ingredients should be responsibility and solidarity.

In all crises, of any kind, the most affected are the ones in the most vulnerable situation. The COVID-19 crisis is no exception.

During these emergency times, the situation of the children that were already in a hard position of social exclusion, got even worse and evident. Without the correct measures, this health crisis would become a social crisis of enormous severity.

At AMV, we have joined the emergency program “A tu lado” (By your side), led by Save the Children to reach the most vulnerable families in Spain.

We want to support the ones most affected by this pandemic and be able to mitigate, as far as possible, the social and economic effects that the disease has caused.

In AMV we look for contributing our grain of sand by donating the resources of our Christmas campaign to the children of “A tu lado”. We are very proud to have a chance to be part of that initiative.

With that in mind and in addition to supporting this important cause, we will cut off the use of paper on our posts, reducing the environmental impact of our campaign.

What does “A tu lado” consist of?

The urgent plan Save the Children in course in Spain is supporting 3,391 children from 2,050 vulnerable families in the health and economic emergency caused by the COVID-19.

The aid has focused on access to basic food, school reinforcement and psychological care to alleviate the effects of isolation, uncertainty and stress.

In this line, the NGO has opened an online psychotherapeutic care line for these families and their workers that are already attending to the emotional well-being of the children with guidelines for their parents on positive parenting.

We are convinced that in this 2021 we will continue to give the best of ourselves. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

This year, our Christmas is by your side.

martes, 20 de agosto de 2019

GIFA 2019- STAND AMV SOLUCIONES ¡¡Gracias por pasar!!

AMV Soluciones ha aprovechado la celebración de la XIV Feria Internacional de la Fundición, GIFA, en Düsseldorf, para presentar la nueva versión del software de referencia en optimización para fundiciones, ALEA.

Encaminado hacia la industria 4.0, el nuevo ALEA incorpora novedades enfocadas a la automatización y programación de cargas, dando un paso más en la gestión inteligente de coladas.
Fue un placer recibir a todos los que habéis pasado por alli, y esperamos que os haya sido provechosa la visita.
¡Desde el equipo de AMV, queremos daros las gracias y esperamos poder vernos antes de la siguiente GIFA en 4 años!

martes, 16 de octubre de 2018

FUNDIEXPO 2018 Guadalajara, México

AMV participará del 21 al 24 de octubre en FUNDIEXPO 2018.

Estaremos en Stand 394 con novedades en  simulación en tiempo real y optimización de ajustes de coladas: “Right first time”
Presentaremos en nuevo sistema de simulador en linea de producción, EIDOCALC, realizado por AMV y VEIGALAN,  con apoio del Centro tecnológico IK4 Azterlan.
Compartiremos también con todos los asistentes, información del exitoso estudio “Right first time” que hemos realizado con uno de nuestros clientes.

Ya sabéis:


Dia: 25
Hora: 12 de la mañana.
¡Os esperamos!

domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2018


Del 23 al 27 de septiembre participaremos en el 73 WFC que se celebra en Cracovia, Polonia.

En la conferencia presentada mostraremos los resultados del estudio realizado en una planta de fundición para reducción de ajustes de coladas.

A partir de la información del sistema ya implantado, ALEA,  que ha proporcionado los datos, se han podido aplicar criterios optimización, con una importante reducción de ajustes y un consecuente aumento de beneficios.

El "BIG DATA" al servicio de la industria 4.0

La conferencia:
 "Optimization and Automation of Chemical Control of Alloys in Smart Foundry 4.0"

de Alberto Montenegro, CEO de AMV Soluciones

Dia:25th September
Hora: 16:50

lunes, 20 de marzo de 2017

Metal Casting Conference 2017, South Africa, Johannesbourg

Amv has participated in the Metal Casting Conference from 13 to 17 March in Johannesburg, South Africa, coinciding with the meeting of BRICS countries.

World Cast in Africa – Innovate for Sustainability

It was a pleasure to be reconnected with friends from all over the world, and working day by day to improve the foundry industry. (South Africa, USA, India, China, Spain, Russia, Germany ...)

In Metal Casting Tecnology Station

Until next time!